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Meal Prep | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Nutrition and training go hand-in-hand, upon taking on any new personal training client this is something of which I as the trainer make...
Low-Fat Fad | Nutrition | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Is low-fat diet ideal for weight loss? Think again! Traditionally when people think about losing weight, the first thing they think about...
10 Tips For Getting Sh*t Done | Fitness | Nutrition | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Getting Sh*t Done 1. Plan Ahead. Plan what, when and how your going to get sh*t done, by doing this you have a far greater chance of...
Do More Principle | Fitness | Cirencester Personal Trainer
DO MORE! This is a very simple fitness principle and a very effective way of living. If you want to become good at something just DO...
Sunday FUNday | Fitness | Nutrition | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Sunday FUNday People tend to have mixed feelings about Sundays: day of rest, or day to do everything? Whichever way you see a Sunday, it...
Earn Your Easter Eggs | Fitness | Nutrition | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Have you ever wanted to know how much work it would take to burn off your Easter eggs, well read below to find out how much exercise is...
Happy Healthy Sunday | Fitness | Nutrition | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Happy Healthy Sunday People tend to have mixed feelings about Sundays: day of rest, or day to do everything? Whichever way you see a...
Build Bigger Biceps | Fitness | Cirencester Personal Trainer
3 Steps To Bigger Biceps 1. Take The Weight Off Your Feet Taking the weight off of your feet and sitting down whilst performing any bicep...
7 Reasons To Workout On A Sunday | Fitness | Nutrition | Cirencester Personal Trainer
People tend to have mixed feelings about Sundays: day of rest, or day to do everything? Whichever way you see a Sunday, it doesn’t have...
Benefits Of A Cold Shower | Fitness | Cirencester Personal Trainer
7 Benefits Of A Cold Shower 1. Increased Alertness Taking a cold shower in the morning, and feeling cold water pour down over our body...
Stretch Success | Fitness | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Stretch Success When you think of developing a strong, muscular physique what type of exercises do you think of doing? To improve and...
Stress Reduction / Control | Cirencester Personal Trainer
*** Stress Reduction / Control *** This year the mental health institute reported 50% increase in stress/anxiety/depression throughout...
Rest/Recovery | Fitness | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Rest/Recovery Within our current society rest/recovery is at an all time low, we are on the go from morning to night not allowing for any...
The Good, The Bad And The Ugly | Nutrition | Cirencester Personal Trainer
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly . Monounsaturated Fats . Polyunsaturated Fats . Saturated Fats . Trans Fats Are all fats equal? Trans fats...
Banish The Christmas Bulge | Day 5 | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Our last post in the five day banish the Christmas bulge series. Day 5 - Sleep How many hours a night are you sleeping? Is your bedroom...
Banish The Christmas Bulge | Day 4 | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Day 4 - Relax How much time within the day do you take to actually relax, I mean really relax? No telephone, no computer, just taking...
Banish The Christmas Bulge | Day 3 | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Day 3 - Utilise your 'Fitness' Too many people keep all of the fitness training within a gym environment, it is my belief that we should...
Banish The Christmas Bulge | Day 1 | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Through out the next five days I will be posting daily tips/challenges to help you start the NewYear and NewYou in the most healthy...
Healthy Xmas | Nutrition | Fitness | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Top 5 Tips to help you stay healthy over Christmas - Cirencester Personal Trainer 1. Exercise, try and keep up your current exercise...
Stretch Success | Fitness | Nutrition | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Stretch Success When you think of developing a strong, muscular physique what type of exercises do you think of doing? To improve and...
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