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Build Bigger Biceps | Fitness | Cirencester Personal Trainer

3 Steps To Bigger Biceps

1. Take The Weight Off Your Feet

Taking the weight off of your feet and sitting down whilst performing any bicep exercise has been shown to increase isolation of the arms, studies have also shown from doing this you will utilise up to 75% more muscle fibres throughout each movement. You should also aim for variation by adding barbell exercises into your routine.

2. Control The Negative

By controlling the movement of each exercise throughout the negative portion you will not only increase your overall muscular strength but you will also keep the muscle under tension for a significant increase in time, by doing this you will boost muscular tear and therefore force the muscle to grow bigger and stronger.

3. Lift With Your Brain

Think about each rep, control the movement and actually focus on contraction the muscle not just going through the motions, this will harness greater mind to muscle connection therefore superior muscular growth.

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