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10 Tips For Getting Sh*t Done | Fitness | Nutrition | Cirencester Personal Trainer

Getting Sh*t Done

1. Plan Ahead.

Plan what, when and how your going to get sh*t done, by doing this you have a far greater chance of completing the task ahead.

2. Set Your Workspace.

Separate home and workalike, make sure to have a specific place to work and not in-front of the television with your computer on your lap.

3. Get A Drink.

A simple one but make sure you a prepared for a good stint of work.

4. Turn Off The World.

Phone goes off or at least onto silent, and tell/friends and family to not talk to you unless its an emergency.

5. Get Classical.

Studies have shown that classical music can help in keeping concentration levels up by nearly 40%

6. Turn Off Facebook

This one is simple, less distractions more work, easy.

7. Set A Timer.

Set rest times, be it one hour or two but make sure to keep your work load structured.

8. Lists Are A Mans Best Friend.

Write a list of all of the jobs you want to achieve, set your list into A's things that need to be done, B's things that should be done and C's things that could be done.

9. Reward Yourself.

Make sure to reward yourself upon completion of the work at hand.

10. Eat That Frog.

Try to compete the worst possible job first, that way each and every job afterwards will be a breeze in comparison.

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Apex Athletic - Cirencester Personal Trainer

Unit 7 - Esland Place

Love Lane



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