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Postural Analysis Test | Cirencester Personal Trainer

Postural Analysis Test

Do you work at a computer?

Do you spend more than 1 Hour driving a day?

Have you ever had back pain?

If you have answered yes to any of the above questions there is a high risk that you have bad incorrect posture. Shoulders rolling forward, neck hunched and lower back pain can all stem form simply not standing straight, we have become lazy.

Here is a quick test that I want everyone to try:

Stand in front of a full-length mirror, now how many knuckles can you see on either hand?





Whole fist?

(If you can visibly see more than the knuckle of JUST your thumb then this is a sign of bad posture, rolling the shoulders forward, but the sure sign of this will be if you can see more on one side than the other)

Go and TRY it NOW!

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