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Weekend Rundown 004 | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Weekend Rundown 004 Hey, its that time of the week again. So I have put together a simple list of our most popular fitness posts from the...

Weekend Rundown 003 | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Weekend Rundown 003 Hey, its that time of the week again. So I have put together a simple list of our most popular fitness posts from the...

Weekend Rundown 001 | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Weekend Rundown 001 So today Sunday 4th, starts the first of a new series where we at Apex Athletic sharing workout suggestions, our most...
Motivation | Fitness | Cirencester Personal Trainer
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. After talking to a client last week after our training session it got me...
Train Outdoors | Fitness | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Get Outside Living in Cirencester, the heart of the Cotswolds, we am extremely lucky to have an abundance of running trail to train...
Gym Etiquette | Fitness | Nutrition | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Wipe down the equipment They say that if you don’t leave the gym dripping with sweat, than you haven’t worked hard enough. But you really...
Fat Loss Calories | Fitness | Nutrition | Cirencester Personal Trainer
How to calculate your fat loss calories. Lets start with a joke: What did the ocean say to the other ocean? When trying to drop body fat...
KISS Diet | Nutrition | Cirencester Personal Trainer
The KISS Diet Firstly what does KISS stand for, Keep It Simple Stupid, and secondly lets look at what all major diets have in common: 5:2...
Weekend Fit | Fitness | Cirencester Personal Trainer
People tend to have mixed feelings about Sundays: day of rest, or day to do everything? Whichever way you see a Sunday, it doesn’t have...
Vitamin D | Fitness | Nutrition | Cirencester Personal Trainer
--- See The Light --- "Even on a grey day, catching some rays in the outdoors will lift your spirits" Resist the temptation to hibernate...
R'n'R | Fitness | Cirencester Personal Trainer
We all know that feeling of being over worked, over tired and in general run-down, rest and recovery is as important as the period of...
Outdoor Fitness | Fitness | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Get Outside Even on the greyest of days we cannot think of anything better than taking our fitness outdoors. Living in Cirencester, the...
Social Sundays | Fitness | Cirencester Personal Trainer
People tend to have mixed feelings about Sundays: day of rest, or day to do everything? Whichever way you see a Sunday, it doesn’t have...
Winners O'clock | Fitness | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Why should you join the 5am club? Most of us only ever see one five o'clock and that is in the evening, most are asleep blissfully...
Weekend Warrior | Fitness | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Be a weekend warrior. If you find it difficult to exercise during the week due to a busy work schedule do not fret, studies have proven...
Macronutrients Fats | Nutrition | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Why are fats important? Fats have several important roles in the body, including: . Providing you with energy . Enabling the absorption...
Sunday Training | Fitness | Nutrition | Cirencester Personal Trainer
People tend to have mixed feelings about Sundays: day of rest, or day to do everything? Whichever way you see a Sunday, it doesn’t have...
Rest And Recovery | Fitness | Cirencester Personal Trainer
We all know that feeling of being over worked, over tired and in general run-down, rest and recovery is as important as the period of...
Get Outside | Fitness | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Get Outside Now the sun has finally arrived we cannot think of anything better than taking our fitness outdoors. Living in Cirencester,...
Weekend Workouts | Fitness | Nutrition | Cirencester Personal Trainer
People tend to have mixed feelings about Sundays: day of rest, or day to do everything? Whichever way you see a Sunday, it doesn’t have...
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