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Warm-Up | Cirencester Personal Trainer

The Importance Of A Warm-Up

The 4 basic principles of a warm-up: 1. General monostructural warm-up 2. General joint/muscle mobility 3. Specific joint/muscle mobility 4. Specific movement prep

General monostructural warm-up

This is the section where you want to get the engine running and elevate your internal core temperature, this can be done through the use of basic cardiovascular exercise, rowing, star-jumps, running, whatever gets the blood pumping and gets the body ready for the exercise to follow.

General joint/muscle mobility

Within this section you should perform a full body dynamic stretch routine, stretching with the use of movement. Make sure that you don't revert back to static stretches, you have worked hard to raise your heart rate and we want it to stay there.

Specific joint/muscle mobility

Hunt out any areas of the body which are tight, use bands, balls or rollers to elevate any pain a loosen off those muscles, this area should not be missed spend at least 1minute per-body part to really work out that tension.

Specific movement prep

Look at your workout and go through full range movements specific to the up-coming exercises, if your workout has squats squat, start with a light weight and build up to your desired level. It is essential that you don't become too eager and jump the weight up to fast allow the CNS to calibrate to the load, then progress.


Leigh A W Guilbert

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