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010.4 Runner's home workout.

Cirencester Personal Trainer.

Home workout for runner’s.

With COVID-19 not leaving us anytime soon and the isolation situation on the horizon I thought it only right to help in anyway to keep everyone exercising, and for some to use the time to work on the much needed strength element which is for most missing within their running training.

Please find below a simple home workout you can follow, minimal equipment is needed and it is designed with runners in mind, however any endurance athlete will benefit from the programmed exercises.

Remember when warming up think of it as a three staged process. One, warm the

system, basically get moving, at least five minutes of gentle movement should suffice, but always remember the shorter the run the longer the warm up, you want to go in with the engine running from the outset. Two, mobility and dynamic stretching, be sure to mobilise all of the joints within the lower limbs and make sure that you dynamically (stretching with movement) stretch out those legs, but be don’t forget to hit any tight areas of the upper body as well. Three, activation, here we are looking at getting the muscles firing, think quadriceps, hamstrings and paying extra attention to the glutes, some simple bodyweight resistance exercises should do the trick (squats, lunges, lying hip thrusts etc). For further help with how to perform the perfect running warm up be sure to get in touch at

Please find all necessary links below:


Refer a friend - Introduce a friend to Apex Athletic and as a thank you for your recommendation you will receive one 1:1 personal training session. Terms and conditions apply.

Apex Athletic - Unit 7

Esland Place - Love Lane

Cirencester - GL7 1YG


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