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010.3 Runner's workout exercise description.

Cirencester Personal Trainer.

Runner’s workout exercise description.

Lying glute bridge – Lie on your back with the knees bent at 90 degrees and palms flat on the ground. Pushing through the heels, raise the hips as high as possible using the gluteal muscles. Move solely around the hip joint and keep the lower back in a neutral position. Hold the bridge in the top position for a moment, and then lower the hips to the starting position.

Three point lunge – Start in a neutral standing position, think good posture, firstly lunge the right leg out to the side bending at the knee, keeping the left leg straight, here you are looking for a good eccentric stretch on the inner thigh of the left leg, then return to upright standing. Next, keeping most of the weight on the front leg, step back and lean forward to approximately 30-degree trunk angle, sinking into the working hip and descending until the back knee approaches the floor or touches the ground, then rise back to a standing position. Lastly, from standing take the right leg again and swoop it around behind the left knee, as in performing a curtsy, really feel the work in the left glute, return back to the starting position. Be sure to perform equal reps left and right.

Box squat – Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart and the feet flared to your preference. Stand very close to the edge of a sturdy box, bench, chair, step, or stool. Initiate the movement by breaking at the hips and sitting back, keeping the chest up, the knees out so the track over the toes, and the shins perpendicular to the floor. Remember to push through the heels. Pause for a moment while sitting on the box and then rise, make sure to squeeze the glutes to lockout.

Static lunge – Get in a split-stance position this is wide enough that your front shin is vertical at the bottom of the lunge. Your hands are on the hips and feet pointed straight ahead. Keeping the torso upright, descend until the back knee approaches or touches the ground. Return to starting position.

Plank with lateral foot tap – Form a pillar or bridge by supporting your body in a prone position with only the feet and forearms touching the ground. Keeping the body in a straight line with the elbows directly beneath the shoulders, the hands flat on the floor or clasped, and the head looking down, forcefully contract the quads and glutes. Take the right leg out to the side, tap the foot to the floor and then bringing the leg back to neutral, repeat both sides.

Lying superman – Lie prone on the ground with the arms stretched forward in front of the body, palms down, and the knees slightly bent and shoulder-width apart. Simultaneously raise the torso and legs off the ground, hyperextending at the hips and no just the spine. Target the glutes and hamstrings in addition to the spinal erectors. Hold the top position for the desired time and then lower the body to starting position.

Single leg heel drops – Stand on one leg on a box or step with your heel the edge. Lift up onto the toes, and then slowly lower down until your heel is below the step. Repeat both sides.

Single leg Romanian-deadlifts – Stand on one foot. Squeeze the glute of the no grounded leg to lock it into position as it travels back. Making sure the rear leg stays in line with the torso, bend over at the waist while shifting the weight back and looking down to prevent cervical hyperextension. Keep chest up. Keeping a strong low-back arch, descend until your hamstring range of motion runs out. Reverse the motion back to starting position. Perform all the repetitions on the weaker leg first and then switch and repeat with the stronger side.

Shoulder elevated hip thrust – Facing upwards, place your upper back on top of a sofa, sturdy chair, or weight bench with your feet flat on the ground. Place the hands on the ears and extend the hips by squeezing the glutes. Push through the heels and keep the lower back in a neutral position. Rise as high as possible through the hips and then lower your hips to the starting position.

High plank mountain climber - Form a pillar or bridge by supporting your body in a prone position with only the feet and hands touching the ground. Keeping the body in a straight line with the elbows directly beneath the shoulders, the hands flat on the floor, and the head looking down, forcefully contract the quads and glutes. Take the right leg out to the side, and draw the knee up towards the right armpit, then bringing the leg back to neutral, repeat both sides.

Full or box push-up – Place your hands slightly wider than shoulder width and your feet close together on the ground with your body in a straight line from heels to head. With arms at a 45-degree angle, the hands positioned directly under the elbows, the glutes and abs contracted, and the entire body tight, lower yourself until your chest approaches or touches the ground. Reverse the movement and raise your body until elbows lock out. If opting for the box push-up same as above but keep the knees in contact with the floor.


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Apex Athletic - Unit 7

Esland Place - Love Lane

Cirencester - GL7 1YG


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