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093 How to calculate your macros

Now we need to workout the macronutrient breakdown of our new calorie figure.

Firstly we always start with protein, if you are a relatively lean individual, anything under <20% for men and anything <30% for women, then the figure is simple 1 gram for every pound of weight, however if you’re on the larger side go with a more conservative 0.6 grams so again lets calculate that below:

Lean male 75kg/165lbs x 1gs = 165gs protein

Overweight male 90kg/198lbs x 0.6gs = 119gs protein

(For the purpose of simplicity we will work with the lean individual for the rest of the equations)

Now we need to look at fats and carbohydrates, this is done by concluding if you’re someone who enjoys a high carbohydrate diet or a high fat diet. As a caveat if you were someone with quite a bit of fat to lose I would generally sway towards keeping carbohydrate intake lower.

To set fat intake we use a scale between 0.3 – 0.6g/lbs, so lets take a look at our carbohydrate loving 75kg individual from above, due to his desire for all things sweet and consistency to a diet is the biggest factor in success I’m going to set the level at 0.4g/lbs.

Lean male 75kg/165lbs x 0.4gs = 66g fat

So now we’ve calculated the proteins and fats we have to convert them into calories, this is done by multiplying proteins by x4 and fats x9 due to known amount of calories per gram per macronutrient.

Protein 165gs x 4 = 660 cals

Fats 66gs x 9 = 594 cals

Now because we already know how to calculate the desired total number of calories for fat loss from the previous blog post (How to calculate fat loss calories) we need to subtract the two numbers above (1750 – (660+594) = 496) which gives us our carbohydrate number, 496 calories.

From here we do the same as before but in reverse (4x carbohydrate calories per gram).

Carbohydrates 496 cals / 4 = 124gs

To conclude, our lean individual weighs 75kg and wants to lose some fat, he enjoys a high carbohydrate diet so we kept them at a sustainable level, and his fats moderate, so here is his macronutrient breakdown:

Total calories – 1650 cals

Protein – 165gs / 660 cals

Fats – 66gs / 594 cals

Carbohydrates – 124gs / 496 cals

To conclude these figure aren’t 100% accurate all of the time, but this will give you a great baseline to work from, stick at it for at least four weeks and adapt from there, make small adjustments, 5-10% increase if you are starting to feel lethargic or a 5-10% decrease if your weight/fat isn’t budging.



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Cirencester - GL7 1YG


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