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085 Six Pack Abs

When we talk about the core most think appearance, a muscular well-defined flat stomach, however nature did not intend for these muscles just to look nice.

Beyond appearance there are six very good reasons to take care of your abdominal and core muscles:

. Improve athletic performance

. Protect the spinal column

. Relax tense muscles

. Improve digestive health

. Reduce risk factors for diseases such as type 2 diabetes

. Maintain cardiovascular health

The goal of this programme is to strengthen the hip flexors, and to protect the back.

Perform the exercises two to four times per week in a circuit format.

A1. Sit-up 2-4 x 30-50

A2. Lying rib cage expansion with a weight 2-4 x 30-50

A3. Seated leg raises 2-4 x 30-50

A4. Military plank 2-4 x 20-60’s

(Please consult a doctor before participating in any form of structured exercise)



Refer a friend - Introduce a friend to Apex Athletic and as a thank you for your recommendation you will receive one 1:1 personal training session. Terms and conditions apply.

Cirencester Personal Trainer

Apex Athletic - Unit 7

Esland Place - Love Lane

Cirencester - GL7 1YG


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