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074 Calories in, calories out

In short, NO.

We are all now accustomed to the idea that weight loss is primarily achieved by being in a calorie deficit, this can be done by either reducing calorie intake or increasing calorie output. However, if it were as simple as calories in and calories out why is general obesity still on the rise?

In the UK alone 67% of men and 60% of women are overweight, with 26% of men and 26% of women in the obese category.

So what can be done and how can we look at weight loss in a more proactive manner.

Lets start with the idea of removing calorie counting and inputting three basic lifestyle principles.

Temptation – Firstly remove all foods from the house that cause any form of temptation. Unless you have the willpower of a saint then just remove it.

Association – Here we are talking about the negative association that we have with certain activities or daily tasks, for an example if you are someone who always stops at a local café on your way home from work for a frothy flat white, then you need to start looking at another route home.

By removing the association you have with a certain activity you have an opportunity to ingrain a more positive habit to replace the bad.

Accountability – Don’t just rely on your partner or spouse, make yourself accountable to a club, a booked race or even the world wide web, take pictures post updates, whatever works for you, just make yourself accountable to your goal. Also don’t allow others to apply the brakes when they aren’t needed, having a friend compliment you on your weight loss and state you look fine as you are 4kg away from your desired target isn’t helpful, useful or positive.

As with everything you aren’t going to hit a home run in first attempt, but keep at is and soon enough you’ll be hitting close to a 300 without even breaking a sweat.


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Cirencester Personal Trainer

Apex Athletic - Unit 7

Esland Place - Love Lane

Cirencester - GL7 1YG


© 2025 Cirencester Personal Trainer

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