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Low-Fat Fad | Nutrition | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Is low-fat diet ideal for weight loss? Think again! Traditionally when people think about losing weight, the first thing they think about...
Health Benefits Of Turmeric | Nutrition | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Is turmeric superior to medicine?! Turmeric, the main spice in curry, is arguably the most powerful herb on the planet at fighting and...
Weekend Workout | Fitness | Nutrition | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Weekend Workout People tend to have mixed feelings about Sundays: day of rest, or day to do everything? Whichever way you see a Sunday,...
Brunch Is The New King | Nutrition | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Why you should be skip breakfast until brunch. How, and why, does it work? Essentially, when you skip that first meal, you’re extending...
Benefits Of A Cold Shower | Fitness | Cirencester Personal Trainer
7 Benefits Of A Cold Shower 1. Increased Alertness Taking a cold shower in the morning, and feeling cold water pour down over our body...
7 Habits Of Fit People | Fitness | Cirencester Personal Trainer
7 Habits of Fit People Being fit and healthy doesn't just happen overnight, it takes commitment and perseverance, but here are '7 Habits...
One Pan Meal Prep | Nutrition | Cirencester Personal Trainer
One Pan Meal Prep INGREDIENTS ½ sweet potato ½ pound (250 grams) Brussels sprouts 1 carrot ½ head of broccoli 1½ pound (750 grams)...
The Good, The Bad And The Ugly | Nutrition | Cirencester Personal Trainer
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly . Monounsaturated Fats . Polyunsaturated Fats . Saturated Fats . Trans Fats Are all fats equal? Trans fats...
Banish The Christmas Bulge | Day 1 | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Through out the next five days I will be posting daily tips/challenges to help you start the NewYear and NewYou in the most healthy...
Vitamin D | Cirencester Personal Trainer
--- See The Light --- "Even on a grey day, catching some rays in the outdoors will lift your spirits" With it winter well and truly on us...
Healthy Xmas | Nutrition | Fitness | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Top 5 Tips to help you stay healthy over Christmas - Cirencester Personal Trainer 1. Exercise, try and keep up your current exercise...
Staying Healthy Over Christmas | Nutrition | Fitness | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Top 5 Tips to help you stay healthy over Christmas With December just around the corner here are our 5 top tips for staying healthy over...
Eat The Rainbow | Nutrition | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Eat The Rainbow Theres no better antidote to a bleak cold day than taking the time to prepare a delicious plate of brightly coloured...
Rest/Recovery | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Rest/Recovery Within our current society rest/recovery is at an all time low, we are on the go from morning to night not allowing for any...
Smart Breakfast | Nutrition | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Smart Breakfast (Start the day with an egg) Research has shown that people who eat a good breakfast consume at least 100 fewer calories...
Fats | Fitness | Cirencester Personal Trainer
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly . Monounsaturated Fats . Polyunsaturated Fats . Saturated Fats . Trans Fats Are all fats equal? Trans fats...
Paleo'ISH Pancake | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Paleo'ISH Pancake Ingredients: 1 x Banana 1 x Egg 1 x Tbsp Oats 1 x Tsp Cinnamon Method: Click HERE Now this may not be the largest or...
Eat The Rainbow | Cirencester Personal Trainer | Nutrition
Eat The Rainbow Theres no better antidote to a bleak winters day than taking the time to prepare a delicious plate of brightly coloured...
MeatFree Monday | FitFood | Cirencester Personal Trainer
*** MeatFree Monday *** Snack - Bananas If you think bananas are just for monkeys, think again. Bananas help overcome depression...
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