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Pull-up - Place your hands over the top edge of a sturdy door with a pronated grip (palms facing away from the body) and position your body flush against the door. (To keep the door from swinging, wedge a book underneath the door.) Your body is flush against the door at the bottom, but will move away from the door as you rise since the elbows are pinned against the door. If a standard chin-up bar is available, that may be the preferred option. Raise your body as high as you can while keeping a straight line from the shoulder to the knees. Lower to starting position. https://youtu.be/SMs4k8No0pc
Rafter pull-up - It is important to figure out how to perform pull-ups in your home, and an alternative to the pull-up on the door is the rafter pull-up. Simply grip the top of a smooth, splinter free rafter with a pronated grip and raise your body as high as it will go. Keep the core tight and don't allow the low back to hyperextend or pelvis to rotate. https://youtu.be/SMs4k8No0pc
Side-to-side pull-up - Hang from a chin-up bar or rafter with the hands pronated and slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. The knees can bend slightly or remain relatively straight. Keeping the chest up and the core tight, pull the body up toward one side until the chin is over the rafter. Lower to starting position and repeat, alternating from side to side. https://youtu.be/SMs4k8No0pc
Sliding side-to-side pull-up - The sliding side-to-side pull-up is a highly advanced manoeuvre that few people are able to perform. This exercise requires that you first raise the chin over the bar as you would in a standard pull-up. Then slide all the way to one side and all the way to the other side before sliding back to the middle and finally lowering to starting position. That constitutes one repetition. You won't be able to perform many repetitions of this exercise, assuming you can do it at all. https://youtu.be/SMs4k8No0pc
Towel pull-up - Drape a towel over a chin-up bar or rafter. Grab the towel with both hands. From a stretched position, raise the body while keeping the core in neutral and pulling until the hands meet the upper chest. Lower to starting position. https://youtu.be/kAAuh1-SxXw
One-arm self-assisted chin-up - The one-arm self-assisted chin-up is a highly challenging manoeuvre that only people with the most advanced upper-body strength will be able to master. However, you can always use the nonworking arm for a bit of assistance, and you just might end up being able to perform an un-assisted one-arm chin-up one day. If possible, find a beam narrower than a rafter because this exercise requires a pronated (palms facing away from the body) or supinated (palms facing towards the body) grip. A neutral grip is possible as well if you align your body so you are facing the same directions the length of the rafter and hold on to something placed beside the rafter. https://youtu.be/Nj1NvN7Te_s?t=100
Modified inverted row - Grasp the sides of a sturdy table, keeping the knees bent at about 90-135 degrees and heels planted firmly on the ground. It's a good idea to perform this exercise over a forgiving surface such as soft carpeting. Keeping the body in a straight line from the knees to the shoulders, pull your body up until your chest approaches or meets the table. Lower your body to starting position under control. https://youtu.be/cDLQRIP-ZHs
Feet-elevated inverted row - Once you reach proficiency with the modified inverted row, you can make the movement more challenging by progressing to the feet-elevated variation. Remember to keep the body in a straight line and squeeze the shoulder blades together at the top position. https://youtu.be/cDLQRIP-ZHs
Towel inverted row - The towel inverted row is another option. You'll likely be able to figure out a way to drape a towel over a table, the corner of a table, two tall chairs, or even a door if you have a very long towel. You can get an efficient workout while positioning the body at a steeper incline. Focus on keeping the elbows to the sides and the chest high, and squeeze the shoulder blades back and down. https://youtu.be/cDLQRIP-ZHs
Side-to-side inverted row - Begin suspended in a stretch position with the body in a straight line and the core tight with legs straight, heels against the ground, and palms facing forward. Raise the body to one side. Lower the body to the starting position and repeat, alternating sides. https://youtu.be/cDLQRIP-ZHs
Sliding side-topside inverted row - The sliding side-to-side inverted row is a highly advanced manoeuvre. As in the case of the sliding side-to-side pull-up, not many people will be able to perform this exercise right off the bat. If possible start with the body at a steep incline so you learn how to perform the movement correctly because it's easy to waste energy trying to keep the body stable through compensatory rotary motion or body contortion. From a relaxed position, row the body straight up, then slide the body all the way to one side, then all the way to the other side, then back to the middle, and finally back down. Congratulations, you just performed one repetition. Alternate the side you shift to first on each repetition. https://youtu.be/cDLQRIP-ZHs
One-arm inverted row - Once you've mastered the two-arm row variations, its time to start practicing one-arm inverted rows. If you can start with a substantial body incline you'll be able to perform the movement with good form right off the bat. Its ok to rotate a little bit at first, but over time try to limit rotation throughout the movement. This exercise is well suited for using a towel. https://youtu.be/cDLQRIP-ZHs
Scapular shrug - Position you body between two sofas, chairs, or weight benches with the feet on the floor, the hips extended in line with the shoulders, and the backs of the upper arms resting on the platform at about 45-degree angles relative to the torso. Dig your elbows into the platform and squeeze your shoulder blades together. This will cause you chest to rise in a short range of motion. Lower the body to starting position under control and repeat. https://youtu.be/ZL-sEFxJtRQ
Wall facing scapular shrug - Face a wall or sturdy object, place both hand out in-front at shoulder height, keeping the arms locked relax the upper body into the arms, you should be squeezing the shoulder blades here, core tight and body in a straight line. Hold for two seconds and then push back through the arms, keeping the hands in contact with the wall and arms staying locked out, now you are looking to make a large curve in the upper back, and shoulders. Once desired reps are achieved return to upright standing position. https://youtu.be/jPsqaBMBfL0?t=30
Bent over scapular shrugs - Same as the wall facing version but this time you are going to bend from the hips at 90 degrees and place your hands on a sofa, chair or weight bench, perform the movement in the same manner. https://youtu.be/RS1_df0xKIE
Corner scapular shrugs - Stand with your back to a corner and the tow upper arms in position against the two walls and feet a few feet out in front of the corner. Move the body outward, away from the corner, by squeezing the scapulae together. This is a short-range movement that targets the scapula retractors. Adjust your foot position to find the appropriate distance that creates just the right challenge. https://youtu.be/ENoYS45v7eM
Towel face pull - Hold on to the ends of a towel that is looped around a pole and lean back with the towel supporting your weight in a stretched position. Keeping your chest up, your core tight, and your body in a straight line, pull your hands toward your ears while squeezing the scapulae together. Lower to the starting position. https://youtu.be/JjGrZIKo5UA
Doorway face pull -Stand in-between a sturdy doorway, place both elbows, forearms and back of the hands on either side of the doorway, making a right angle at the elbow. Keeping the core tight, and the body in a straight line, lean backwards slightly until you feel the stretch along the shoulders. Slowly, and under control squeeze the scapulae together bringing yourself back up to standing, starting position. https://youtu.be/I-XpxwHqc8g?t=270
Standing W-Y extension - From standing lean forward from the hips to 45 degrees. Bring the elbows into the side of the body, the hands tight to the shoulders making a W position, now extend the arms out forward forming the Y movement, keeping the core tight and not dropping at the lower back. Once the desired repetitions have been achieved return to start standing upright position. https://youtu.be/r4_CzKJ5iYM
Hyperextensions dorsal raise – Lye prone (facing down) on the floor, keeping arms by your side, squeeze the glutes, and lift upper and lower body. Hold for the desired time, reps or breaths. Once complete relax back down to the floor. https://youtu.be/ZvI92zOe6LU
Horizontal row - Set a bar, mop or broom handle on tow chairs at waist height. Lay yourself down underneath the bar and adopt an underhand, wider than shoulder width grip. Your heels should be the only body part in contact with the floor at this point as your body should be in a suspended, straight, rigid position above the ground. Your arms should be perpendicular to the floor as your torso hangs from them. This will be your starting position. Begin by flexing the elbow, pulling your chest towards the bar through the muscles in your back. Retract your shoulder blades and exhale as you perform the movement. Once your chest is an inch away from the bar, pause for a brief moment. As you inhale, return yourself along the same path towards the starting position. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions. https://youtu.be/CBqr6Qex9dw
Neutral grip pull-up - Take hold of the pull up bars with a neutral grip (hands should be facing each other).Both arms should be extended as you create a small curvature in your back and push your chest out. This will be your starting position.Now, exhale and pull your torso up until your head is at least level with your hands. Concentrate on squeezing your shoulder blades back and down (through your lats) as you reach the fully contracted position.After a brief pause at the contracted position, inhale as you slowly return your torso to the starting position. Track the same path down as you did up. You are at the starting position when your lats are fully stretched.Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions. https://youtu.be/bxovgJoP3GY
Scapular pull-up - Take hold of a pull up bar with a wide, overhand grip. Lift your feet up and off the floor so your body is now suspended. This is your starting position.Exhale and pull your shoulder blades together, pushing your chest upward. Use your arms slightly to help aid in this process.After a brief pause, inhale and slowly lower your body back on the same path into its starting position.Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions. https://youtu.be/VfDjjmHSDdA
Skydivers - https://youtu.be/U0BxsXCwLlk
Wide grip pull-up - Take hold of a pull up bar with a wide, overhand grip (palms facing away from you). After you have securely taken hold of the handles, take your feet off the floor so that your body is now hanging from your grip. Pull your heels in towards your glutes so your knees are bent to a 90-degree angle and your hips are pushed forwards. Your arms should be at full extension at this point. This will be your starting position. To initiate this movement, exhale and pull your torso upward towards your hands as you contract your biceps and the muscles across your back (more so with your back). Continue to pull yourself up until your chest is as high as it can be. After a brief pause, return your torso back along the same path into its starting position. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions. https://youtu.be/SMs4k8No0pc
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Apex Athletic - Unit 7
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Cirencester - GL7 1YG