012.2 How to perform rows or pulls with just a towel.
How to perform rows or pulls with just a towel.
Now that we are well into self-isolation and having to become creative with training options, I thought I would share something that may just be the simplest, but most genius idea on the internet when it comes to fitness.
Firstly, when it comes to home training, or bodyweight training in general, its very easy to perform those pushing exercises, however, the struggle comes when we need to even out said pushing movements with pulling options, without the use of a dedicated pull-up bar, EQ bar or TRX (suspension system) we are left scratching our heads.
In comes the towel.
Find yourself a good sturdy door and a decent sized hand towel (I remove all liability for falls, door frame damage or shoddy towel splits), next tie two knots at one end of said towel. Place the towel over the door, closing the knots on the other side and hay presto you have a towel pull-up bar. Top tip, make sure the door opens away from you.
Now you can perform all rows or pulls and be sure in the knowledge that your training can continue to be as well rounded as possible.
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