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Osteoporosis | Cirencester Personal Trainer


Working with many personal training clients from all walks of life allows for me to come into contact with a variety of symptoms and conditions, with osteoporosis affecting high numbers I'm sure it is of no surprise that this is an issue I have dealt with on various occasions.

Firstly, what is osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis, literally meaning holes (porosis) in bones (osteo), this disease is known to affect 1:2 women and 1:5 men over the age of 65 years. It causes the bones to become prone to fracture and is most common in the hip, spine and wrist.

To prevent the condition worsening, or to reverse it in men and pre-menopausal women, it is important to load the bones. This can either be achieved through impact training (men and pre-menopausal women) or strength biased resistance training (all genders and age groups). The greatest risk is during forward flexion movements of the spine against gravity, which are likely to cause stress fractures. Abdominal hollowing e.g. abdominal curls should be avoided, with static abdominal work offered as an alternative. (Reference: CYQ Exercise and fitness knowledge)

With the above information we now know the importance of strengthening the core to help in supporting not just the spine but also helping with balance.

There are four main muscles of the core which include the transverse abdominis, internal abdominal oblique’s, external abdominal oblique’s and the rectus abdominis, all of which need to be worked to build a strong and stable core.

The best exercise to work the core with osteoporosis:

. Static high plank

. Hip thrust hold

. Modified lateral plank

. Deadbug hold

. Table top bird dogs

For further information email and use the link below.


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Apex Athletic - Unit 7

Esland Place - Love Lane

Cirencester - GL7 1YG


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