Sugar Tax | Cirencester Personal Trainer
OK, that's a sensationalist headline but if the media can get away with why not us?
Right, I know you're all bored with talking about Jamie Oliver's sugar tax so I'll keep this short and (ahem) sweet.
A lot of people seem to be concerned that the tax will encourage manufacturers to move more towards artificial sweeteners instead of 'natural' sugar.
Whereas this might be a concern for some people who do seem to have an adverse reaction to these substances.
The overwhelming majority of the population have no issues with sweeteners like Asparfame.
All the scare mongering aside there is considerable evidence in the scientific literature which proves that these sweeteners are safe for consumption.
Any unpleasant side-effects seen in earlier trials which done on rats that were given astronomical amounts of the stuff don't materialize simply by consuming a diet soda a couple of times a week.
So, don't panic, artificial sweeteners aren't going to kill you but don't forget.
You have a choice, as an individual. You can choose to consume artificially sweetened beverages or you can choose to avoid them.
I personally avoid them because I hate the taste and ginger beer just doesn't taste the same without, like, a tonne of demerera sugar in it.
What are your thoughts?