Weekend Rundown 002 | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Weekend Rundown 002
Hey, its that time of the week again. Which means we've got some new trainer workouts, personal training links and a new fitness blog post t0 share with you. Be sure to check back for the latest up to date news on all things health and fitness. Enjoy.
Workout 110318
"Swing Low"
21 - 15 - 9
KB Swings
Calorie SkiErg
Our most popular posts:
Vitamin D
--- See The Light ---
"Even on a grey day, catching some rays in the outdoors will lift your spirits"
Resist the temptation to hibernate - wrap up warm and get outside. Natural light is better for you than artificial because its stronger and brighter, even on a grey autumn day. In fact, research has shown that a daily midday one-hour walk can be as helpful as light treatment for beating SAD.
Sunlight also provides the perfect balanced light from a variety of wavelengths, which is vital for good health. 'Exposure to natural light is important for the body clock, even in autumn and winter months,' says Russell Foster. To wake up naturally, leave your curtains open at night or invest in a dawn simulator alarm, which is programmed to mimic gradual sunrise with increasing light.
Being outdoors might lift your spirits, but won't boost your levels of vitamin D - which is essential for healthy bones - in UK autumn/winter. From Novemeber to March our skin can't make vitamin D from sunlight, so if your in an at-risk group of diffiency and, for example, are elderly, housebound, have dark skin, are pregnant or breastfeeding, the department of health recommends taking a vitamin D supplement.
Living in Cirencester, the heart of the Cotswolds I like to make the most of the outdoors, taking Personal Training client for runs, outdoor fitness sessions or even being a fitness instructor on boot camps, make the most of the sunshine when you can.
For all personal training/fitness enquires email: info@apexathletic.co.uk
Apex Athletic - Unit 7
Esland Place - Love Lane
Cirencester - GL7 1YG