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Personal Train-photographer | Fitness | Cirencester Personal Trainer

Firstly, word of warning if you are easily offended and cannot take constructive criticism do not read on.

Lets begin. When purchasing a product we all make sure that what we are buying is what it says on the box, how disappointing would it be to get home thinking you've bought a banana when actually you've got a lemon.

We have hit a junction within the fitness industry, a point in time where trainers are caring more about the likes/shares or retweets than actually instructing their clients.

Yes we believe that before and after photos are great, filming a said movement for future analysis is fantastic, but if your fitness coach is continually filming/picture taking on an iPhone it is impossible for them to be correctly instructing.

These photos are of no use to you, all they are is an extra click on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, for your so called Personal Trainer.

Spend your hard earned money wisely, and the next time you see your fitness instructor delves for his/hers iPhone ask yourself "am I getting what I paid for?".


Cirencester Personal Trainer


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