EGGcellent Breakfast | Nutrition | Cirencester Personal Trainer
Smart Breakfast
(Start the day with an egg)
Research has shown that people who eat a good breakfast consume at least 100 fewer calories during the day than those who go without. And you can't do better than eggs. One of natures original super foods, there're low in calories and a great source of high quality protein, which helps you feel fuller for longer.
The light round balls of protein are also packed with B vitamins, selenium and iodine, eggs are also one of the few food sources of vitamin D (we all know how much we need vitamin D). And whatever you have heard, eggs won't increase your cholesterol - in fact they may help boost levels of beneficial HDL cholesterol.
A medium sized egg contains fewer than 80 calories and American researchers found that women who ate eggs for breakfast felt less hungry and ate less for lunch and for the rest of the day than women who ate bagels. In fact, the egg eaters consumed around 400 fewer calories that the bagel eaters over the next 36hours.
For the perfect start to the day just add avocados (one of my favourite) which are full of healthy fats, with toasted seeded gluten free bread for that slow release carbohydrate.
Cirencester Personal Trainer