145 How to calculate fat loss calories with Cirencester Personal Trainer
How to calculate fat loss calories.
When trying to drop body fat you need to make sure you have a clear outline of what your body needs in regard to calories, proteins, carbohydrates and fats, with this information you can begin to make dietary changes which will aid in your journey to a fitter healthier you.
First things first, lets look at calories, when trying to lose overall fat calories are king, yes a calorie isn’t just a calorie but at current lets keep things simple, to decrease overall weight/fat you need to reduce your overall calorie intake. Below is a simple equation to find out how to calculate your fat loss calories.
Bodyweight in (lbs.) x 9-14 … but why the range you may ask.
. If you are a sedentary female (think office job) who trains 3-5x per week: go with the lower end (9-10).
. If you are a female who works a fairly active job or any job that has you on your feet quite a bit and your training 3-5x per week: go with the mid-range (10-12).
. If you are a sedentary male (office job) who trains 3-5x per week: go with the low to mid-range (10-12).
. If you are a male who works a fairly active job, and your training 3-5x per week: go with the higher end (12-14).
So lets put this into context:
Meet Sandra, she is a full time super mum with three children, Roy, Angie and Bob (for our purpose her children are of no importance), Sandra is a fairly active woman who likes to attend 3-5x fitness classes per week, due to her favourite super hero convention being just around the corner she is wanting to shed a few lbs.
So lets work out her fat loss calories.
Sandra weighs 154lbs.
She is fairly active, and exercises regularly.
So: 154 x 10-12 = 1694 fat loss calories.
To conclude these figure aren’t 100% accurate all of the time, but this will give you a great baseline to work from, stick at it for at least four weeks and adapt from there, make small adjustments, 5-10% increase if you are starting to feel lethargic or a 5-10% decrease if your weight/fat isn’t budging.
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Cirencester Personal Trainer
Apex Athletic - Unit 7
Esland Place - Love Lane
Cirencester - GL7 1YG